Why the No.1 Search Position Captures 27.6% of Google Traffic

Nowadays, few people look for information in the traditional way. Instead of reading newspapers and books or going to the library, they surf the web. The Internet has evolved into the most influential and widely used medium. Users frequently use search engines to find content that interests them. For the vast majority of them, search […]

How to Set Up your Website for SEO success

What is the significance of SEO for a website? What is the point of optimizing a website for search engines? Ultimately, it is about increasing traffic to your website by increasing its visibility in search engines. Obviously, you want traffic to your website; however, the quality of the traffic is more important than the quantity. […]

4 Reasons Keywords Will Still Matter For SEO In 2022

It seems like every day, new technology or strategy comes out, claiming to be the next big thing for businesses. It becomes hard to determine what actually works and what does not. You might feel disillusioned by the countless online marketing methods out there, making you wonder whether conventional methods of marketing are old news. […]

The Top PPC Trends To Watch In 2022

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is still an effective way to grow your business in 2022. However, what worked for your previous PPC campaigns might not generate the same results in the future. Not only have the consumers changed but also the technology available to marketers. With regard to technology and privacy regulation, here are the top […]